Vito Galligani

Researcher (CAT I/V) - CONICET
Centro Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (CIMA, CONICET-UBA)
Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos.
Ciudad Universitaria - Edificio 0+Infinito - Oficina 2408 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires



During my PhD thesis I used radiative transfer models to study the scattering properties of ice clouds and precipitation, with special attention to the microwave frequencies. My current research interests are focused on the development of remote sensing tools for the detection and monitoring of deep moist convection, using radiative transfer models, meteorological radars and satellite instruments.


MSci. Physics (Imperial College London)
PhD. École Doctorale d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique d’Ile de France, Paris (Francia)